Benefit Corporations for Good

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Where To Find the Real Heroes

Every year in December, Time magazine publishes an issue that crowns its "Person of the Year." In 2015, names such as Pope Francis, Donald Trump and Caitlyn Jenner all made the ballot before the publication chose Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany as the distinguished winner for the year. While all of this is well and good, we think that the real "people of the year" are the unknown and unsung women and men of a not-so-glitzy world.

Each and every day, a group of people go to work with their hearts beating passionately about their mission in an anything but 9-to-5 workday. For some, the unwavering focus is on elimination of childhood hunger. For others, it is working tirelessly to help overcome injustice. And still for others, it means burning midnight oil to find life-changing answers to world health problems. Of course, we are talking about those rare and dedicated individuals who live and breathe in the nonprofit world.

No one better knows the phrase "so little time, so much to do." No one better understands the true meaning of "budget crunch" or "stretched thin." And no one better comprehends the idea of "overworked and underpaid" than these courageous souls fighting to do a "little bit of good" in an increasingly harsh and unforgiving world. There is no glamorous "awards" show to attend. You won't find them seeking the limelight for their own personal gain. Yet they get up every day and clearly embrace and live the words of Nelson Mandela who said, "We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands." 
