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Muse to Magic: A Journey toward Self Publishing

MUSE:  Oxford dictionary: 1. (in Greek and Roman mythology) each of nine goddesses, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who preside over the arts and sciences. 2. A person or personified force who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist”
I always was wordy… in my writing, in my talking, in my gesturing with my hands.  I had stories to tell and emotions to share.  Years passed, many of them spent in the corporate world with brief stints in the nonprofit sphere -- writing, reading, debating, coaching, presenting, commenting, synthesizing others' thoughts on paper.  

The words tumbled.

And sometimes people listened, paused and nodded as I touched a common chord was and mad a  a connection, a moment of sharing through my words.  Still my writing, my speech was couched in the context of the business world.  Clear, carefully worded and effective business writing.

But the muse called, and I began to write snatches of poetry now and then, inspired by nature and relationships.  Experiences and emotions were captured in phrases that surprised me.  “ "They percolate through my walls, my screens. And with pen poised, I listen.  The words of inner voices, drift onto the pages, magical, mysterious.”

And so I wrote for myself.  

But the tickle, the itch to write deeper, something more meaningful for others would not go away, and then the universe delivered the opportunity for a new chapter. A journey with a remarkable business partner who was a REAL Writer.  The magic began in a symbiotic way, both of us driven to do something more with words… using them to share what we had learned… the good, the bad, the ugly.  Writing from our hearts…. writing with passion about what we cared about.

And the dream of our book was launched. 

They say it takes a village to raise a child.  I believe it takes a partnership based on trust and respect to publish a book.  And of course … a large dose of patience sprinkled with humor.  
But probably the most important thing, is a belief in something bigger than either of us.  A belief in the wisdom of inner voices, which we humbly share with our readers in our blogs every week --- resulting in our first self-published book.  We write about perseverance, of overcoming challenges, and of the “learning” that nature and people reveal --- if we take the time to listen and observe. 

The Muse may be calling you. And you may be surprised what is possible.  Maybe even a book!

To get our book, "25 Building Blocks To Create a Conscientious Organization" free, go to for an instant download.