Plant a Seed of Hope...Today!
"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more
and become more, you are a leader."
- John Quincy Adams
Sometimes it only takes a moment, to share a thought, a truth, extend a hand that may change the life of a child, an employee, the homeless, a refugee.
I sometimes forget this, so busy in my daily doings of work, family, travel and fun. I forget that it doesn’t take a lot to pause and do something good for someone else. Our parents used the phrase, “do a good deed." If ever there was a time to touch someone outside of our own circles, with kindness and compassion, it is now.
So here is a reminder to myself and others to make that phone call to a local nonprofit to see how you can help. Donate coats and blankets to the homeless. Give blood. Read to a child. Mentor a young adult. And SMILE with welcome and warmth to all who are vulnerable who may not feel safe.
Stepping outside our comfort zone to inspire hope only takes a moment. We owe it to the world.