Benefit Corporations for Good

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Bravery... in Our Communities


“…human nature rises above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism.”  -  Alexander Hamilton

The Courage to Risk
Memorial Day is behind us, and as we salute our veterans, our brothers and sisters who take personal risks  and die for us around the world., I also think of the many other heroes we encounter each day in our own communities. People who stand up for social justice, and fight bigotry and discrimination, even giving their lives for the freedom of all.  They  reflect an underlying courage and compassion that permeates their being. 

These “heroes” teach us the true meaning of courage and serve as a beacon of humanity and HOPE. Their individual heroic gestures and their sacrifice touches us deeply -- emotionally.  But there are also other heroes, from refugees and homeless vets, to those in poverty, to those who face bigotry and are wronged by society every day.   I see them standing brave,  taking risks for family and friends and fighting for survival.  Many of them embody the best of mankind.  These are our teachers as well.