Benefit Corporations for Good

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The Greater Good - Volume 2, Issue 3

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean."
- Ryunsuke Satoro

As we cast our eyes out on the horizon, we see a growing wave sparkling on the water. It's one small business after another commited to doing good in the world. These leaders look at the future and their businesses and know they are inextricably linked to creating a planet and community worth living on and in.

Three years ago this month, we celebrated a launch party for our book "Putting Soul Into Business" in a downtown Portland ad agency that happened to be a certified B Corp. At the time, our business was not on the Oregon Secretary of State's website and we did not have 1 single certified Benefit Corporation for Good.

Today, our book is being translated into Japanese by a Tokyo publishing house as we write this (we're also working on a new book about conscientious leadership) and our certified family has grown with purpose-driven businesses now represented in five different states including Oregon, Arizona, Colorado, New York and just last week, Connecticut. (SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM TO SEE OUR MOST RECENTLY CERTIFIED BUSINESSES.)

And yes, we're on the Secretary of State's website as well.

But the most rewarding part of building this family is not the number of certifications we completed or the books printed. No, it's all about how the purpose-driven leaders of these companies have come together and are now working together as partners, as collaborators, and as customers of each other's businesses. This is what happens when values are aligned. And we think it's a sign of good things to come as the world of business continues to transform.

In fact, we are bringing together all of our certified businesses together next month for the first time via a zoom call so that collaboration continues to do what it's supposed to.

Turning drops of water into an ocean.


Are you a BIPOC business? Helping create an inclusive and welcoming community is the highest priority for us. Because the benefit corporation is a model that embraces ALL people (as well as planet). To further this cause, we are now offering 15% off our certification fee to become a Benefit Corporation for Good to all BIPOC businesses. Just reach out to us.

Now about this issue of The Greater Good.

First of all, you can learn why a local Portland botanical shop chose the 3 P's over being a 501(c)3 in setting up their very mission-driven business.

Secondly, you can discover the number one tip of 5 thought leaders about how to build and maintain a purpose-driven business.

Finally, you can find out why an IP consultancy in New York chose to become a benefit corporation.

Why a Mission-Driven Botanical Shop Chose the 3 P's over a 501(c)3 When Larkspur Botanicals was in the pre-launch stage, its two conscientious leaders believed they would become a 501(c)3. After all, mission-driven businesses like Larkspur almost always choose non-profit as a business structure. But along the way, co-owner Kasia Bilhartz got exposed to the Oregon Benefit Company and saw it might be a better fit. During her work with many nonprofits, she saw how the majority of them were competing for the same funding pie. Read on to find out all the reasons Larkspur became a benefit corporation. Read Now

5 Tips for Building (and Sustaining) a Purpose-Driven Business Purpose is a term that confuses many leaders. We often see a company's "purpose" as friendly-sounding platitudes about customer-centricity or people, but purpose is a leg of the culture stool (along with mission and vision) that should motivate and provide clarity to employees. Purpose demonstrates why employees should show up to work excited. Seventy-one percent of professionals say they would be willing to take a pay cut to work for a company that has a mission they believe in, according to a recent LinkedIn survey. Click below for the full story from Inc. magazine. Read Now

Why NYC's Dramatists Guild Copyright Management Became a Benefit Corporation In this short two minute video, Executive Director Debra Murad explains why her organization chose to become a benefit corporation, the reasons certification resonated with all stakeholders and what such a designation means going forward for DGCM. DGCM represents the first organization in the state of New York certifed by Benefit Corporations for Good. Watch Now

Kudos to Soledad Matteozzi and Silvina Skverer, co-founders and conscientious leaders of the consulting firm Thinking Beyond Business, one of our most recently certified Benefit Corporations for Good and first business from the State of Connecticut.

Congrats to Jasmine Erazmus, occupational therapist and creator of The Big Picture Therapy, another one of our most recently certified Benefit Corporations for Good.

Kudos to the more than 15 recertified businesses (more in the queue). To view all recertified Benefit Corporations for Good, go here and click on the "recertified" button to see all the good this community is doing in the world.


February 11: Legal Bandcamp 101
Info here.

February 16: Business Contracts and Why They're Essential
Info here.

February 24: How To Start or Run a Small Business
Info here.


If we can be of service to you in any way during these challenging times, please don't hesitate to contact either one of us. We mean that sincerely.
Thinking good thoughts for you and businesses.


Do you know other people who are interested in the Triple Bottom Line of People, Planet and Profit? Leaders and businesses who believe in doing business for the greater good? Then send them this link so they can receive our eletter free every other week devoted, of course, to the greater good!

If you're interested in seeing the companies we've certified to date, go here.

If you're interested in learning more about our certification process, go here.
If you're interested in becoming an Oregon Benefit Company,
go here.

Copyright © *2018|* *Benefit Corporations for Good, LLC*, All rights reserved.

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