Benefit Corporations for Good

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The Greater Good - Volume 4, Issue 6

“All we have to do is wake up and change."
-Greta Thunberg

Right now, our planet is burning up. London set an all-time temperature of 104 degrees on Tuesday. Europe finds itself in smoke as fires continue to burn in France, Spain and Greece. And we all know about the fires that have run amok through the West over the past 5 years with this season just getting started.

Is there anything we can do about what scientists attribute to climate change?

We suggest two ideas:

  1. Become more informed about your own carbon footprint and take steps to reduce it. You can use the free calculator at The Nature Conservancy.

  2. Lessen your small business footprint by adopting practices favorable to the planet. Here are 9 ways to get started in reducing your emissions.

It's our belief that government is moving too slowly on implementing climate solutions. It's also our belief that small business leaders like you are more adept, run more nimble organizations and can take action now.

As the placard above reads, "the climate is changing. So should we!"


Are you a BIPOC business? Helping create an inclusive and welcoming community, embracing all, is the highest priority for us. To do so, we are now offering 15% off our certification fee to all BIPOC businesses that choose to become a Benefit Corporation for Good. Just reach out to us.

Are you ready to become a benefit corporation and a triple bottom line business? Here are 12 simple questions to help you answer that:

Now about this issue of The Greater Good.

First of all, you can read why an Oregon startup chose a different path than most businesses in the tech world. It made the decision to become a force for good in adopting a triple bottom line. Not all that common in high technology but worth your reading about why this purpose-driven leader chose to do so.

Secondly, you can discover 3 proven tips to make your annual benefit report have real impact. Which is critical if you're a benefit corporation because you are required to do just that if you adhere to the standard set forth by your state.

And finally, from Harvard Business Review, you can learn how to be a more "humane business leader." Do you know the 4 things that put you on that path?

How an Oregon Startup is Putting Soul Into the Tech World From the get-go, the leadership team of the Signalmash brand at Mash Technologies asked themselves a simple question: “What does it mean to be a responsible tech company today?” They found their answer with 3 simple words: People, Planet, Profit and the pillars of a benefit corporation. Taking a triple bottom line approach to business made it easy to answer the hard questions of building a tech organization. Read Now

3 Tips to Give Your Annual Benefit Report Impact If you're a benefit corporation, you must produce an annual benefit report per state law. But it doesn't have to be difficult. Our friends at RoundPeg and Oliver Russell did some recent research of over 250 businesses. Through it all, they found some common denominators and how to communicate your triple bottom line work over the past year with both conviction and impact. Well worth your reading if you're a force for good. Read Now

4 Things that Define the "Humane Business Leader"
As a leader, how do you do the hard things that come with taking on the responsibility of leadership, while remaining a good human being? This is an eternal conundrum for all leaders. Most of us think we have to make a difficult, binary choice between being a good person or being a tough, effective leader. This is a false dichotomy. Being human and making hard leadership decisions are not mutually exclusive. Read Now


Congrats to our latest certified Benefit Corporation for Good. Here's Linda Favero, founder of O + I Develop and triple bottom line business. Well done Linda!

Loved being part of a June SOLVE central eastside Portland clean-up with certified BCFG leaders from Marzano Research, Boom Media, and Metro PDX Homes. Inspired by the concern for our city's health and livability. More of these events are coming in early fall.

Learn more about our 8 standards for becoming a certified Benefit Corporation for Good.


July 26: Diversity Practitioners Summit
Info here.

August 11: E-Recycling Event and Music
Info here.

August 13: Startups Mentorship Program
Info here.


Looking for a simple small business guide to become a more sustainable small business? Environmental Tips to Green Your Business, authored by sustainability advisory firm, Thinking Beyond Business and a certified Benefit Corporation for Good, is available as a free download. Just sign up on their website.


The Small Business Utility Advocates is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that represents, protects, and promotes the interests of small business utility customers. Energy, water, and other utilities have a direct impact upon the success of small businesses.

As strong supporters of the work of SBUA, Benefit Corporations for Good has seen the organization in action before the Oregon Public Utility Commission and in B2B meetings using expertise and experience to push for equitable treatment for small businesses.

If you're a business leader in the Portland, OR area and want to support SBUA through work advocating for small business, you might be eligible for some compensation for your time and efforts. For details contact

For more information about what SBUA has been doing generally and in Oregon see


Do you know other people who are interested in the Triple Bottom Line of People, Planet and Profit? Conscientious eaders and businesses who believe in doing business for the greater good? Then send them this link so they can receive our eletter free every other week devoted, of course, to the greater good!

If you're interested in seeing the companies we've certified to date, go here.

If you're interested in learning more about our certification process, go here.

If you're interested in becoming an Oregon Benefit Company, go here.