Why a Nutraceutical Products Manufacturer added Benefit Corporation Certification To Its Formula


If you’re in the custom liquid manufacturing business, you know your tasks are varied. Such is the case with Yellow Emperor of Eugene, Oregon. From custom vitamin formulation and liquid dietary supplement manufacturing to organic supplement private labeling and nutraceutical products manufacturing, their menu of services can accommodate a multitude of custom manufacturing needs.

But not all responsibilities fall under manufacturing. Last year, the business felt the time was right to show their stakeholders that Yellow Emperor was in business as a force for good. So they decided to certify their beliefs and practices of serving People, Planet and Profit by becoming a Benefit Corporation for Good.

We interviewed Director of Business Development, Sarah Vito, about becoming a certified Oregon Benefit Company. Here’s what she had to say about it, the motivation for doing it and why it was right for Yellow Emperor.

1.  What motivated you to become a Benefit Company?

We were motivated to become a Benefit Company for a number of reasons. We are already a certified Green Business and a certified Organic Processor, so we were looking for other ways to develop our business that lined up with our company culture. Also, the trends inspired by Millennials and Gen Z made it clear that if we wanted to be ahead of the curve and remain successful in our industry, becoming a Benefit Company was the way forward.

2. Was it difficult getting internal support for moving toward this model?

Getting internal support to move towards this model was thankfully very easy. Becoming a certified Benefit Corporation was simply a formalized reflection of our company.

3. How long did it take you to officially become a Benefit Company?

From initial research into becoming a Benefit Company to becoming certified was a matter of months. Much of what we already had in place made the process simple.

4. Have you seen any change in culture since you became a Benefit Company?

As a result of becoming a Benefit Company, we have recruited and hired employees that are drawn to our sustainability efforts, which has brought up more ideas on how we can do more for our community and the planet. We have also experienced more potential clients citing our sustainability efforts as what drew them to us and inspired them to reach out to find out more about our services.  It’s been great!

5. Have you experienced any positive outcomes since becoming a Benefit Company?

We have experienced many positive outcomes since becoming a Benefit Company. Specifically, since we have a dedicated section on our website to sustainability, we have attracted like-minded clients and employees. We have also connected with our community in ways we had not previously, like volunteering for local charities. We also increased our community donations.

6. Would you recommend this business model to others? Why or why not?

This business model will work for any business. The steps towards increasing sustainability do not need to happen all at once. If the steps are taken one at a time, the process is suddenly manageable and empowering. This business model is where the next generations are heading – folks want to know that they are supporting the planet and people regardless when they purchase an item or a service.

7. What is the most important trait to have as a conscientious leader of a Benefit Company?

The most important trait to have as a conscientious leader of a Benefit Company is listening. It is fine to have ideals, but it is more important to listen to the folks around you so that they are included in discussions and decisions that impact their work life.

8. What lessons have you learned in the process?

I re-learned the value of patience in the process of becoming a Benefit Company. There is a powerful urge to do everything all at once, but it simply can’t all be done at once. Same can be said for much of life, it is important to focus on one thing at a time and work on that, then take the next step. Another key lesson is that great ideas can come from anywhere and the paths to share ideas must be clear and visible. That said, it’s important to not get discouraged when many folks simply want to treat their work as “just a job.”  

9. Is being a Benefit Company part of your current brand message?

Yes, being a Benefit Company is a part of our brand messaging.

10. What is the single best reason you would give for another company or peer to become a Benefit Company?

The best reason for another company to become a Benefit Company is that it is a simple process and attractive to clients and customers.

You can learn more about the work of Yellow Emperor here.

If you want to know more about why your business should become a benefit corporation, watch this.

Learn more about the 6 simple steps to becoming an Oregon Benefit company or benefit corporation here.



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