For the Greater Good - Volume 6, Issue 5
"We should indeed keep calm in the face of difference and live our lives in a state of inclusion and wonder at the diversity of humanity.”
– George Takei
As Pride Month begins, we stand firm in our values and commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. In fact, DEI is one of 8 critical standards that’s part of becoming a certified BCFG.
You’ll find many of the purpose-driven small businesses in our growing community identifying as LGBTQ+ owned and led. And this month, you’ll learn more about them in our social posts being featured on Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook.
I ask that we continue to be inspired by the social and environmental impact created by the LGBTQ+ community not just during the month of June but the other 11 months of the year as well. Let’s truly celebrate the diversity of humanity.
Happy Pride Month!
Since our May newsletter, the following has happened:
1 new BCFG has joined our community
1 current BCFG has recertified, and
12 states and 1 Canadian province now feature a BCFG certified business
BCFG Manifesto
We dare to believe that every business can positively impact the world.
We believe that by joining the benefit corporation movement you reinvigorate the planet with sustainability, transparency and empathy.
We believe in the 3 P’s practice of putting People and Planet first because it means more Profit for those who see the wisdom in serving the “greater good.”
We believe in helping empower companies to become benefit corporations because we know that a rising tide lifts all boats. Call us crazy, call us dreamers but we have the audacity to believe we will answer JFK’s words, “If not us, who? If not now, when?”
Are you ready to become a benefit corporation and a triple bottom line business? Here are 12 simple and quick questions to help you answer that:
Upcoming Events:
June 7: B Corp Leadership Development
Info here
June 19: Business Ethics Workshop
Info here
June 19: Transform Your Business with AI Technology
Info here
Want to learn more? Check these out!
How Your Small Business Benefits from DEI Policies
According to the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, more than 70% of job seekers are looking to work for a company with a dedicated commitment to DEI.
Those who identify with marginalized groups don’t always have access to the same freedoms as other employees. Without those freedoms, employees can burn out, become disengaged from their work, and find it harder to be creative and innovative.
How do you as a small business leader implement a DEI plan for your own company? BCFG’s first white paper in a series gives you a proven, attainable blueprint to get started. READ NOW
Sustainability in Every Sip: How a Protein Water Company is Creating Meaningful Change in the World
The American diet has become less nutritious as agriculture continues to be negatively impacted by climate change. Having a clean source of protein that is both nutritious and safe can be hard to come by these days.
TATU is working to remedy this through its product and its sustainable foundation. As part of our purpose-driven business community at BCFG, its values align with the positive change we are trying to create in the world. Recently, we got to talk with the company’s COO and Co-Founder, Jacoba Gundle, about why and how the business became an Oregon Benefit Company. READ NOW
Client Spotlight: Positive Energy Solar Shines as new BCFG
Introducing another purpose-driven business in the BCFG community, Megan Bott of Positive Energy Solar! The company is New Mexico based and recently certified as a Benefit Corporation for Good in March of 2024.
The business is already doing wonderful things to create a positive social and environmental impact. We are proud to work with this purpose-driven business and we can’t wait to see what Positive Energy Solar does this year! READ NOW
Kudos to Sun Light & Power, our most recently certified BCFG and first business from the State of California. Here's Founder & CEO, Gary Gerber. Well done Gary and team!
Congratulations to Bramske Studio Architecture and all our recently RE-CERTIFIED BCFGS and the all the good they're doing for people and planet.
LEARN MORE about our 8 standards for becoming a certified Benefit Corporation for Good.
The Small Business Utility Advocates is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that represents, protects, and promotes the interests of small business utility customers. Energy, water, and other utilities have a direct impact upon the success of small businesses.
As strong supporters of the work of SBUA, Benefit Corporations for Good has seen the organization in action before the Oregon Public Utility Commission and in B2B meetings using expertise and experience to push for equitable treatment for small businesses.
If you're a business leader in the Portland, OR area and want to support SBUA through work advocating for small business, you might be eligible for some compensation for your time and efforts. For details contact
For more information about what SBUA has been doing generally and in Oregon see
Do you know other people who are interested in the Triple Bottom Line of People, Planet and Profit? Conscientious leaders and businesses who believe in doing business for the greater good? Then send them this link so they can receive our eletter free every other week devoted, of course, to the greater good!
If you're interested in seeing the companies we've certified to date, go here.
If you're interested in learning more about our certification process, go here.
If you're interested in becoming an Oregon Benefit Company, go here.