Resolution for 2017: Is It Drive or Passion?
I used to think "drive" and "passion" in business meant the same.
But my current reading of the book "Simply Brilliant" by William Taylor changed that.
In this book about how great organizations do ordinary things in extraordinary ways, the author and co-founder of Fast Company magazine references CEOs and venture capitalists in making his argument.
One is Randy Komisar, a partner of Kleiner Perkins, who discusses how these two words differ. "Drive pushes you toward something you feel compelled or obligated to do. Passion pulls you toward something you can't resist."
Which got me thinking about this little agency my partner and I launched one year ago.
And that "passion," plain and simple, is what is motivating us.
While we both could still be working in our former worlds, it is the idea of serving benefit companies and nonprofits that grabbed us by the heartstrings.
We are unabashed in wearing those feelings on our sleeves.
And with the rise of the 3 P's (people, planet, profit), our passion for working with such cause driven organizations has only intensified.
We simply cannot resist the calling.
We feel it in the relationships we develop.
The strategic visioning workshops we put on.
And the manifestos we write.
So while many make resolutions at this time of year, ours is already dictated for us.
Just follow the passion.
Because it's something we cannot resist.
To get our book, "25 Building Blocks To Create a Conscientious Organization" FREE, go to for an instant download.