For Earth Day...I DARE YOU To Listen To This Environmental Hero and Not Be Moved

Earth Day.  Do you think twice about this international movement? Like many Americans perhaps you woke up today and re-committed to upping your “green” efforts in some way .  Maybe it means promising to ride the bike one more day to work.  Or only using recycled materials in your office, or maybe even a commitment to start volunteering for one of those inspiring nonprofits that are all about sustainability, like our friends at Trash for Peace, a local nonprofit in Portland

We all make our small efforts, and these steps magnified across many make a difference in ensuring a green planet into the future. But for some individuals, efforts towards environmental sustainability involves more sacrifice.  These are the true heroes of Earth Day, and they are recognized each year at the Goldman Environmental Awards ceremony. 

HCollaborative's freelancer Chris Allen,  through his SF advertising agency, helped plan the media and communications strategy for this year’s Goldman Environmental Prize winners, such as Maxima Acuna from Peru.  We hope you are inspired by her story as shown in this video this Earth Day.  

To find out about the 5 other winners, check out the Goldman Environmental website

As a company built around helping and serving others,  HCollaborative  is happy to support people like Maxima and the Goldman Prize as they work to make the world a better place.

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