Honor the Season, Not Just the Holiday

“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.” - Hamilton Wright Mabie

Open Our Minds to the Celebrations of Others
Candles, bells, evergreens…good food, gifts and gatherings. We all celebrate this season differently – be it Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, the Winter Solstice, Festivus or New Year’s Eve. It is time of year for traditions and celebrations. Yet, is also a time to recognize that while focusing on our own unique religious and cultural holidays, we can also respect with kindness other holidays of the season in our journey to understanding and respecting others.

As a lifelong student of cultural anthropology, I’m enjoying reading Lily King’s Euphoriaa loose narrative of Margaret Mead’s time in New Guinea. It’s a great read and I am struck and humbled by the immense diversity of peoples around the world with cultural values and celebrations so different from my own. During this holiday season, let us remember that while we enjoy and take pride in our own traditional celebrations let us do so with a gentle touch of humility, open to learning about others, and embracing the true spirit of the season.


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