It's a Journey, Not a Destination...
“I can never forget where I come from. My soul should always look back and wonder at the mountain I had climbed and the rivers I had forged and the challenges which still await down the road."
- Maya Angelou
Do you ever wonder about your “path?” Mine has been circuitous, to say the least. Several career changes, too many bosses, and dozens of roles. Through tears and laughter, I am learning to embrace all the detours and bumps. It is an adventure and in spite of the stumbles, mistakes and successes, I have learned many lessons on my personal and professional journey. And I know it’s not over yet!
I’ve also earned that “letting go “on a path of self-discovery means recognizing lessons may be anywhere, often in unexpected places and through unexpected people. It’s a journey to peel away the layers to reveal one’s passion, to uncover our unique gifts, and learn how we can serve to the betterment of others and experience life with contentment.
To that I say, onward!