Stories from the Community
4 Key Traits to Becoming an Authentic Leader
You would have had to be under a rock for the past five years to not have heard about the value of authenticity. I’m talking about authenticity as a brand and authenticity as a leader.
Fact is, it’s something we see in the conscientious leaders of the benefit corporations we certify.
The reason for so much discussion is clear.
Benefit Corporations Know How to Reach Their Customers. Do You?
Do you have fans? Are they loyal donors, clients, partners? Are you using them as your ambassadors? Are they part of your “Friendraising” team?
One of the new “golden rules” of Benefit Corporations is to utilize your fans as champions in telling your brand story. We have all heard about the value of testimonials, but rarely…
Most Perplexing Question about the Triple Bottom Line?
Let’s set the record straight.
We absolutely love the Millennial and Gen Z generations.
In our minds, their passion, their belief in doing what's right and their commitment to a better planet and community is without question.
Yet something troubles us about the Triple Bottom Line…
How an Oregon Winery Created Real Wines of Distinction
Finding great growing conditions, harvesting the right grapes and guiding the overseeing it all with the artistry of a seasoned winemaker usually gets a winery noticed. But in the case of Archer Vineyard, the winery went a step beyond.
Not long ago, it became a certified Benefit Corporation for Good…
Now Needed More Than Ever: Humility in the Workplace
Let’s talk relationships.
I mean authentic, sincere and real relationships. Relationships that are based on respect and trust. And not founded on what we can get from one another to further the business.
It’s a paradigm shift focused around…
How a Conscientious Leader Deals with Mistakes: 10 Valuable Observations
Many of the small businesses and entrepreneurs we have certified as Benefit Corporations for Good have experienced a few bruises and some scars as well.
Yet, they persevere.
It’s hard to launch and grow a business dedicated to the principles of the triple bottom line: People, Planet, Profit. They intimately know the long hours it takes to pursue their mission of doing good for the commons. They know there are no shortcuts for a quick buck.
It’s what differentiates them from other companies: their…
Who Else Wants to Help Oregon Small Businesses Impact the World?
The Oregon Benefit Company was introduced in January 2014. Yet very few state businesses know about it or the simple steps required to become one. In fact, Oregon lists over 320,000 businesses today but only 1800 of them, or less than .5%, have chosen to become one.
How can this be, you ask?
Well, the plain and simple fact is that there is a lack of awareness. But we aim to change that and need your support so we can spread the word about how a business can commit to making a positive impact on society and the environment in addition to making a profit.
How a Purpose-Driven Consulting Firm Took It Up Another Notch
Change is the new normal. Resilient, agile and adaptive organizations stay ahead of the competition. And while The Peak Fleet co-founders Jen Coyne and Brian Stinson help prepare organizations for dealing effectively with such organizational change, they’ve also embraced a transformation of their own by becoming a certified Benefit Corporation for Good.
For the past 3 years, their firm has modeled the principles of the Triple Bottom Line of People, Planet and Profit. No doubt those values have been part of their careers and business from the get-go. And recently they felt the time was right to certify those values and practices through Benefit Corporations for Good.
6 Ideas from Benefit Corporations To Ramp Up Product Innovation and Creativity
What is the secret sauce to product innovation? Businesses large and small understand that to stay relevant in today’s world, it’s important to stay fresh and even be transformative in their industry.
A survey by IBM of more than 1,500 chief executive officers shows consensus: Creativity was ranked as the number one factor for future business success—above management discipline, integrity, and even vision.
Too often, however, companies get stuck in the status quo…
How a Tiny California Town Underscored the Power of the Triple Bottom Line for Me
After just returning from an unforgettable trip to Northern California, I must say I have renewed and unabashed enthusiasm for the Triple Bottom Line movement. And it all started with our journey and quest for oysters and a stop at Hog Island Oyster Company.
It's what opened my eyes as we walked into this little gem of an oyster shack. For sure my mouth watered at the sight of the Sweetwaters and French Hog oysters that I saw in front of me. But what really got my attention …
How Benefit Corporations Fulfill Their Promise for the “Greater Good”
It’s in their DNA.
Serving the commons while making a profit.
It is one of the hallmarks of work culture in Benefit Corporations and it comes naturally to the Benefit Companies and Corporations we know.
For many of these companies, this purpose is equally as important as…
Why It’s Time for Kindness in the Workplace
Be Kind. It is the new mantra and each day we try hard to do kind things for others -- family, friends, and strangers we meet on the street. But it seems to be more challenging to practice this value in the workplace.
And it’s easy to understand why. After all…
3 Keys to Creating a Diverse (And Productive) Work Environment
Many small business leaders today are charged with the stewardship of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (D/E/I) work of their organization. Those who truly embrace this work as core to the achievement of their overall business goals will experience more challenges and, yes more rewards. The diversity literature indicates that holistically engaging diverse workers will lead to increased creativity and overall team performance when the differences are managed effectively.
So, what does this mean to you?
1 Simple Way To Clearly Differentiate Your Brand
It’s getting harder and harder to clearly differentiate your brand these days. And it’s not hard to believe given that the average consumer is exposed to anywhere between 4,000 and 10,000 ad messages a day! We remember not long ago when we quoted to prospects that the number was closer to 500.
Why a Company Should Certify: A Client's Review
As an advocate of the B Corporation movement and designation, I speak often about business certifications. Should a company apply for a certification? What’s the value in becoming certified? Is it worth the cost? Are some certifications more important than others?
In this post, I’ll try to answer some basic questions, framed in our company’s experience, and help you identify the kinds of designations you may want to avoid.
Why Become a Benefit Corporation: The Revealing Business Case
Certification as a Benefit Corporation business is what Fair Trade certification is to coffee or USDA Organic certification is to milk or LEEDs certification is to buildings. Benefit Companies and Benefit Corporations are for-profit companies certified around standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. In an era of ‘greenwashing’ and misleading labels…
5 Time-Tested Lessons for the Workplace (“Pura Vida” Anyone?)
We visited during the dry season, but that didn’t stop a few rain showers. But this is Costa Rica and it is an emerald world with frogs, butterflies, sloths, volcanoes and monkeys that enchant. This, of course, isn’t a travelogue but a blog about a word heard often in Costa Rica: Pura Vida. It’s a word …
How a Portland Creative Services Firm Found Its Big Idea in Legalese
Never underestimate the power of an idea whose time has come. And that time was just three weeks for creative wizard Julie Eickhof of Eickhof Creative Shop. You see, while changing her business structure to an LLC…