Home is Where the Heart Is: Families Reinvented
"The bond that links your true family is not one of blood,
but of respect and joy in each other's life."
- Richard Bach
Families – Reinvented
Ah, the holiday season…a time to reconnect, catch up and celebrate holiday cheer. It’s also about getting together and sharing food, drink and good talk with family. But the definition of family has evolved and represents more than just the traditional nuclear family or blood relatives. Today, families come in all shapes and sizes. Family can mean shared love and kindness with folks that have common values, beliefs, and experiences, not just DNA. And hopefully unconditional non-judgmental support too!
These “brothers and sisters” may range from colleagues at work, veterans who served together, buddies who find themselves away during the holidays, friends who share their stories at book clubs, to homeless people gathered at a certain point of time in a shelter. Family is about reaching out and touching the hearts of people close to you by connecting emotionally. Family is about caring and being there for one another. It’s showing vulnerability and taking risks knowing it is safe. And it’s about tears and laughter, debate and play. Family is about creating a space called home. And as stated in one of my favorite sayings…
“Home is wherever my bunch of crazies are.”
- Anonymous