Why a Portland Technical Fabricator Built Its Company on the Triple Bottom Line

Meet Alicia Chapman, CEO and Owner of Willamette Technical Fabricators (WTF), whose business is focused on transportation and clean energy infrastructure. WTF is a certified Benefit Corporation for Good.

The motivation for Willamette Technical Fabricators (WTF) becoming an Oregon Benefit Company was simple. The business and its founder wanted to inspire other companies in the manufacturing sector. After all, it’s not too common that you talk about a metal fabricator creating environmental and social impact. But that is exactly the mission of WTF.

Recently the company felt it was time to certify its beliefs and practices of serving People, Planet and Profit through Benefit Corporations for Good.

We interviewed Willamette Technical Fabricators owner and CEO Alicia Chapman about becoming a certified Oregon Benefit Company. Here’s what she had to say about it, the motivation for doing it and why it was right for her business focused on clean energy and transportation.

1.  What motivated you to become a Benefit Company?

I was motivated to make Willamette Technical Fabricators a certified Benefit company in the hopes of inspiring other organizations to commit to a triple bottom line of People, Planet and Profit, and serve as a positive example for other organizations, especially in the manufacturing industry.

2.  Was it difficult getting internal support for moving toward this model?

It has not been difficult for us to get internal support towards becoming a certified Benefit Company; our founders have supported becoming a Benefit Company since our inception, and we have prioritized hiring a team that shares these values.

3. How long did it take you to officially become a Benefit Company?

The certification process took less than a week from the time that we began the application to completing the interview and receiving our confirmation that we were approved.

4. Have you seen any change in culture since you became a Benefit Company?

Several team members have remarked that they are proud to have this certification and inspired to work even harder to make a difference.

5. Have you experienced any positive outcomes since becoming a Benefit Company?

In the short time since we’ve become a certified Benefit Company, we have received excellent feedback from Benefit Corporations for Good on how to better share our values and market our certification with potential customers, partners, and employees.

6. Would you recommend this business model to others? Why or why not?

I would absolutely recommend this business model to others. Economic sustainability is intrinsically tied to social and environmental sustainability and taking a long-term approach that recognizes this and prioritizes the well-being of people and planet now will be more profitable over time.

7. What is the most important trait to have as a conscientious leader of a Benefit Company?

The most important trait of a conscientious leader is trustworthiness. A good leader respects her staff, partners, and community enough to be honest, transparent, and accountable.

8. What lessons have you learned in the process?

It is critical to seek honest feedback and objectively measure progress towards our goals to ensure that we’re on the right track and to adjust course as needed to maximize our impact.

9. Is being a Benefit Corporation part of your current brand message?

Being a Benefit Company is an integral part of our brand message: our manufacturing methods are aligned with our values to promote social, environmental, and economic sustainability.

10. What is the single best reason you'd give for another company or peer to become a Benefit Company?

Becoming a certified benefit company helps keep us accountable and provides clear guidelines that empower our staff to make the best decisions. It also signifies to potential customers, partners, and staff members, what our values are, and helps us ensure that we work with like-minded people and organizations to maximize our collective impact.

You can learn more about Willamette Technical Fabricators here.

You read more about why other business leaders chose to become a certified benefit company here.

And you can discover the 6 simple steps to becoming a certified Oregon Benefit Company or benefit corporation here.






The Greater Good - Volume 4, Issue 7


11 Reasons To Build a Purpose-Driven Business Now