Stories from the Community

7 Virtues: The Case for a Corporate Culture Reboot
MaryAnne Harmer MaryAnne Harmer

7 Virtues: The Case for a Corporate Culture Reboot

Getting ahead, winning, triumphant, victorious, rock star. These are words we have historically heard in our corporations, our organizations, in politics and in the news around the world. They embody the traditional philosophy of individual success in our society. They reflect a culture of competition, achievement, ambition.

Yet, today during a worldwide pandemic that challenges all of us…

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Now’s the Time for Right-Brain Thinking In the Age of COVID-19
MaryAnne Harmer MaryAnne Harmer

Now’s the Time for Right-Brain Thinking In the Age of COVID-19

I have read so many thoughtful and poignant essays about the impact of the CoVid-19. The insights are often provocative, astute, and perceptive. Much of the thinking resonates strongly with me. And I find I don’t have much to add to the conversation which has not already been said.

Indeed, on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, we are all focused on daily survival and our efforts revolve around staying healthy and avoiding the spread of this virus.

And many of us are asking ourselves, what else can we do?

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Listening to ALL Voices: How To Build an Authentic Community
MaryAnne Harmer MaryAnne Harmer

Listening to ALL Voices: How To Build an Authentic Community

Every day, we talk to small businesses and non-profits about Conscientious Leadership. It’s all about understanding our responsibility towards people and planet and the importance of practicing humility and authenticity in the workplace.

And almost without exception, these leaders get it. It’s like preaching to the choir.

Which makes us feel hopeful.

When we gather with these colleagues, CEOs, Board Members and Executive Directors, we discuss the pressing topics of the day and what we're working on. Climate change. Purpose-driven businesses. And social justice issues, to name just a few. Clearly, these important matters resonates with them.

But it was a comment at the end of one recent discussion that really brought things home to us. Or should we say one word.

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The Triple Bottom Line: Alive and Well in Quito, Ecuador
MaryAnne Harmer MaryAnne Harmer

The Triple Bottom Line: Alive and Well in Quito, Ecuador

We hear the words often: “The Triple Bottom Line.” Which means, of course, “People, Planet, Profit.”

It sounds so nice, so lofty --- but often it is hard to put into action, to actualize these principles daily. What it really comes down to is “Conscientious Leadership” or as we like to say “Putting Soul into Business.”

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Why an Innovative Wellness Company Committed To Improving More Than Its Customers' Health
Tom Hering Tom Hering

Why an Innovative Wellness Company Committed To Improving More Than Its Customers' Health

When Mindful Proteins decided to become an Oregon Benefit Company, they knew that a Triple Bottom Line approach to their wellness business was non-negotiable. You see, the company’s co-founders believe their brand should not only encourage their customers to pursue a more mindful life centered on wellness and balance. But those same principles must be applied to their community and planet as well.

Recently they felt the time was right to certify their beliefs and practices of serving People, Planet and Profit through Benefit Corporations for Good.

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1 Secret To Effectively Communicating with Your Key Stakeholders
Tom Hering Tom Hering

1 Secret To Effectively Communicating with Your Key Stakeholders

Every leader needs to communicate effectively.  Whether it's with customers, clients, partners or donors, you want to make sure you get your audience's attention. As one of my favorite ad gurus David Ogilvy is known to have said, "You can't save souls in an empty church."

But how do you really make sure that happens?

Is there a single action you can take to all but guarantee you have open ears and eyes ready for your message?

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Who Else Wants To Help Oregon Businesses Impact the World?
Tom Hering Tom Hering

Who Else Wants To Help Oregon Businesses Impact the World?

The Oregon Benefit Company was introduced in January 2014. Yet very few state businesses know about it or the simple steps required to become one. In fact, Oregon lists over 320,000 businesses today but only 1800 of them, or less than .5%, have chosen to become one.

How can this be, you ask?

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How a Strategic Financial Services Firm Found Its Purpose Far Beyond the Bottom Line
Tom Hering Tom Hering

How a Strategic Financial Services Firm Found Its Purpose Far Beyond the Bottom Line

As the founder and CEO of Tailwind PDX, Colleen Ruhlin brings a Fortune 100 financial and accounting skill set to her clients. Her strategic thinking and ability to see beyond a company’s financial statistics can do much to improve the performance of a business.

But when she made the decision to become an Oregon Benefit Company, she knew it wasn’t solely about the numbers. It was based on the practice of a Triple Bottom Line of People, Planet and Profit where a business focuses on its employees, its clients, and its communities in addition to making a profit.

We recently interviewed Colleen about becoming a certified Oregon Benefit Company. Here’s what she had to say about it, her motivation for doing it, and why it was right for her business.

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Conscientious Living: Lessons from the Tarahumara
MaryAnne Harmer MaryAnne Harmer

Conscientious Living: Lessons from the Tarahumara

Some say our societies are becoming more homogeneous. With increased globalization, diversity in our communities and social media connections, some wonder if our distinct differences are becoming blurred.

Is this a good thing? 

Or are we losing something in the process?

These questions came front and center on a recent trip to Copper Canyon in Mexico. To reach the canyon, home of the Tarahumara Indians, we boarded the famed El Chepe train in El Fuerte, one of Mexico’s ‘Pueblos Magicos” magical towns.

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How to Start Your Journey to Inclusion:  Simple First Steps
Tom Hering Tom Hering

How to Start Your Journey to Inclusion: Simple First Steps

Cinthia Manuel and I recently had the opportunity to present a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion focus topic at the “Conscientious Leadership” workshop, hosted by Benefit Corporations for Good. Sharing our insights and hearing about attendees’ experiences trying to drive change in this area was a fantastic experience, full of learning for us all.

Especially for those on a triple-bottom line journey, the words Inclusion, Equity, Equality, Diversity, Accessibility, and Justice are commonplace.

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Could Nonprofits Fulfill their Missions  as Benefit Corporations?
MaryAnne Harmer MaryAnne Harmer

Could Nonprofits Fulfill their Missions as Benefit Corporations?

I love many nonprofits. I support them and have been an Executive Director of one. I can go on and on about the contributions they make in our communities. But I also know the challenges they face.  Executive Directors have shared these observations and realities about nonprofits:

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How a World-Class Research Firm Found  its Big ‘Aha’ in Becoming a Force for Good
Tom Hering Tom Hering

How a World-Class Research Firm Found its Big ‘Aha’ in Becoming a Force for Good

When Marzano Research decided to become an Oregon Benefit Company, they knew that a Triple Bottom Line approach to business was the only way for them. After all, they believe that a business must go beyond just making profit to be of value in the eyes of their employees, their clients and their communities.

Recently they felt the time was right to certify those beliefs and practices of…

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Conscientious Leadership: The Journey Is On
MaryAnne Harmer MaryAnne Harmer

Conscientious Leadership: The Journey Is On

I sometimes pat myself on the back, telling myself I get it.

After all, I am pretty empathetic and consider other people ‘s feelings. But truth be told, I sometimes think that my opinion is the best one.  In short, I can be dogmatic at times. 

Is this conscientious leadership… driven by authenticity, transparency, equity and yes HUMILITY?

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How an Organization that Helps Businesses Raise Funds  Raised its Own Profile
Tom Hering Tom Hering

How an Organization that Helps Businesses Raise Funds Raised its Own Profile

Early in 2019, founder Nathan Gustafson launched GiveMore to help businesses and people donate more to worthy causes. His company does this by providing tools and services that enable charitable giving, matching donations, and the socialization of causes

As a certified Benefit Corporation for Good, he believes and practices the Triple Bottom Line of People, Planet and Profit.

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6 Lessons of Collaboration from the Aspen Grove
MaryAnne Harmer MaryAnne Harmer

6 Lessons of Collaboration from the Aspen Grove

Have you ever experienced the beauty of an Aspen Grove? Its regal rhythm and movement? Its mesmerizing sound?

The Aspen tree is a treat for the eyes and ears. Not only is it a lovely tree, but it is also magical as when a breeze passes, and the leaves flutter a peaceful humming melody.

But our love of the tree goes deeper than its impact on our senses.

Many of you may not know that the Aspen Grove is a great metaphor for one of the paramount tenets of Benefit Corporations: Collaboration.

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