Stories from the Community

The Greater Good - Volume 4, Issue 10
Tom Hering Tom Hering

The Greater Good - Volume 4, Issue 10

As this holiday season enters and 2022 winds down, I carry with me one dominating thought. It's not tied to politics, economics or sports. 

Rather it's all about service. Make that "being of service."

You see, helping others by volunteering, mentoring or simply listening without judgment provides the greatest joy I receive in life. It's priceless to give something with nothing expected in return.

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Not What You Stand For, Rather What You Stand UP For
Tom Hering Tom Hering

Not What You Stand For, Rather What You Stand UP For

You can't be Switzerland anymore.

If you're in business and you want to show your customers that your product is worth their time and money, you and your business must stand up for something.

And there is no shortage of contemporary issues.

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The Greater Good - Volume 4, Issue 8
Tom Hering Tom Hering

The Greater Good - Volume 4, Issue 8

When a business becomes a purpose-driven business, there's a big shift in its thinking and acting. Businesses change from thinking “how much profit can I make” to “how much good can I do while still making a profit.”

Now I know it’s a big shift. But the research supports small businesses making this shift as employees and consumer are wanting more, make that demanding more, from businesses.

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11 Tips for Your Small Business to Create Social Impact
Tom Hering Tom Hering

11 Tips for Your Small Business to Create Social Impact

What is one simple step a small business can take to create social impact?

To help you identify simple steps to take for your small business to create social impact, we asked our Benefit Corp community and other business leaders this question for their best insights. From living by example to focusing on individuals, there are several tips that small business owners could follow to make a meaningful impact in the communities and beyond.

Here are 11 tips these small business leaders follow to create social impact:

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The Greater Good - Volume 4, Issue 7
Tom Hering Tom Hering

The Greater Good - Volume 4, Issue 7

In his most excellent book "Tomorrow's Capitalist," Alan Murray, CEO of Fortune Media, talks about his search for the soul of business. As a journalist, Murray cites important research and data points in making his argument for the "force for good" corporation.

Specifically, he uses early 2021 research from Edelman and their Trust Barometer survey. In it, more than 33,000 people in 29 countries are asked questions about trust in businesses, governments and institutions.

Key finding: 86% agreed with the statement, "I expect CEOs to publicly speak out on one or more of these societal challenges, pandemic impact, job autiomatic, society issues, local community issues."

But is their a roadmap to doing that?

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Why a Portland Technical Fabricator Built Its Company  on the Triple Bottom Line
Tom Hering Tom Hering

Why a Portland Technical Fabricator Built Its Company on the Triple Bottom Line

The motivation for Willamette Technical Fabricators (WTF) becoming an Oregon Benefit Company was simple. The business and its founder wanted to inspire other companies in the manufacturing sector. After all, it’s not too common when you talk about a metal fabricator creating environmental and social impact. But that is exactly the mission of WTF.

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